Friday 19 December 2014

  • Camera operator - the camera operator will be Alicia, as she is the most skilled camera operator and we wanted the best results. Matt and Georgia

  • At least two people should take responsibility for filming. As  there were only three people in our group we decided we would all help with filming.
  • Storyboard artist/s (draws storyboard to group’s plans) Again, we all took part in the story boarding.

  • Location Scout/s (selects locations and organises to shoot there) Alicia went to take pictures of the location where we filmed.
  • Prop Manager (organises props for shooting) We didn't have any props in our film.
  • Casting Director (organises actors where needed) We all came together to help each other with where we needed to be. 
  • Director of filming (calls lead in and out to start and end filming) Georgia did this because she elected herself to do this.

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